Used as a gift, we hope our pottery can serve as a special expression from the one who gives it. Each piece is made with utmost sensitivity
Wedding Gifts

Try our wares for gifts, for weddings or other commemorations!
Baby Gifts

For your baby’s first dish, or dish set, try something special from Soryu-Gama.
We will gladly engrave baby’s name or birth date, according to your wishes.
Seasonal Gifts

Design and color to match the changing seasons or special day, such as Girl’s Day (March) or Boy’s Day (May).
To Celebrate a New Home

Decorate your new home with new dishes or large pieces like flower vases, or even small pieces like a chopstick rest for each member of the home!
This may be the time to materialize on your “always wanted” list!
Incense Burner in the Shape of the Twelve Animal Symbols of the Chinese Calendar

Each year we design an incense burner in the shape of the coming year’s animal symbol. Decorate your home at New Years!
For Special Celebrations

Use our pottery for birthdays, for graduation, for entrance to school celebration. Imagine the joy when the gift is opened!